Goal Setting? Watch Episode 12

By a show of hands, who likes goal setting? Ok ok, put your hands down.

Whether it’s the new year or our birthday, we seem to like setting goals. 

But how about actually accomplishing those goals? Now that can be a little bit trickier.

Starting off the new year thinking, this year I’ll lose 50lbs, make a million bucks and run my first marathon only to find that midway through you’ve accomplished none of those things. That’s because goals need to start small and then build.

Slowly building towards a goal is what Episode 12 is all about. Only instead of making a cool million, the goal is to win at Connect 4. Every time Neil defines clear, measurable goals and reaches them, he grows. Both figuratively and metaphorically.

Behind Episode 12

Many organizations we’ve worked with at Habitly.com don’t lack vision or determination. Instead, the trouble comes with defining, pursuing, and achieving clear, measurable goals. Even when teams understand the enormous benefit of setting goals, without defining the next steps necessary for follow through, failure is all but ensured. 

James Clear dedicates an entire chapter to goal stacking in his bestselling book, Atomic Habits. Clear believes that goal stacking is the key to success on any task writing, “Research has shown that you are 2x to 3x more likely to stick to your goals if you make a specific plan for when, where, and how you will perform the behavior.” 

When where and how? That doesn’t sound too hard. What about committing to twenty minutes on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays watching Habitly videos to develop better soft skills? See what I did there?  

The Key Takeaway

No one said reaching your goals was going to be easy. Remember, you’re reaching for something, which already means it’s going to be hard. But there are ways to ensure success.

First take a moment to consider what you can achieve to most positively impact your life and/or career. Consciously consider the benefits you’ll receive when achieving those goals. If the goal is something you identify with on a personal level, you’re going to follow through on committing to when, where and how behaviors. If you see yourself as a writer, you will commit to writing a certain number of words every day or stick to a regular blogging schedule.

Don’t set too many goals at once. You might get overwhelmed and quite likely, burnout. Set one or two goals and then go from there. And when you do achieve goals, share your success! That way you can be more accountable. Over the years, Habitly has helped hundreds of companies set their goals and we’ve felt truly inspired when they achieved them. 

We’d love to hear what goals you’ve set and achieved. Send us a note to info@habitly.com with your goals for this year!


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