Schedule Your Work Like a Honey Bee with Episode 2

Don’t ya just love working from home? I know I do. For most people working remote is a dream come true. It’s an opportunity to plan your own hours, decide where you want work - set up a desk in your home or check out a new coffee shop - and lastly it can be a wonderful opportunity to actually get more productive work done.   

However, in Episode 02: Brandon the Bee, Toby is struggling with remote work. He doesn’t have a consistent sleep schedule, his desk is a mess, and he lets his neighbor, Phil, distract him. And then a talking Bee named Brandon shows up to show him the ropes, velvet ropes that is. 

What Toby comes to realize is that it only takes a few tweaks to make working from home a much better experience. 

Behind Episode 2

Check out this article on Clockify about the biggest challenges people face when working remotely. In the article, 15 people share their stories on what’s most difficult about remote work. We saw a common theme: People need to utilize a schedule in order to be productive when working remotely.

When people don’t have a consistent schedule, they struggle with distractions and productivity suffers. 

Connor Mollison, a freelance photographer and content writer speaks to his troubles with remote work. He says, “…lack of structure killed my productivity. I would wake up later if I hadn’t slept as well, would have a much slower start to the day and take far more daydream breaks than I would in an office environment. On the other side of that, I would sometimes overwork or pick up my laptop to work on a few bits when I really should have been winding down for the night.” Connor and many of the other interviewees from the article all express that it's not just underworking, there’s also a lot of overworking. Which unfortunately leads to burnout.  

Somehow or another, the work suffers.  

The Key Takeaway

There is a way to work efficiently while working remote. Through research and personal experience, we know a few ways to greatly alleviate these problems. 

It’s so easy when working remote to go to sleep later and wake up later, there’s an inner dialogue saying, “I’ll get it done later.” Only to find the deadline quickly approaching, or even worse, already passed. Wouldn’t it be so much easier to just have a time every morning when you get up and start on your day? Or time every day when you know you’ll clock out? 

That’s one of the primary lessons in Episode 2. Subscribers can watch it now to see all of the best practices, share with your team, and take action to maximize your productivity.

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